Finding Inspiration

This week I’m going to talk about finding inspiration. I have been thinking about making this into a video with some of my favourite things, so if you’d like to see that as well please let me know in the comments! In this post I will be talking about five ways I find inspiration when I feel like I need a creative boost or a bit of motivation now and again!

1) Books and printed material

One of my favourite hobbies is going to secondhand bookshops and charity shops to see what gems I can discover! Vintage markets are also wonderful sources of inspiration. Even if you don’t find anything to take home with you, the experience alone is magical. For a spot of virtual exploring, you can also find secondhand books and vintage postcards, photos etc. online. I have a collection of postcards that I’ve picked up over the years from all the various trips I’ve been on, including seaside towns, museums, and photos of paintings or sculptures that I’ve particularly liked. They are also one of the best affordable momentos that make excellent display pieces!

2) Nature

Getting out and about in nature or looking at scenic photos from holidays provide a boost of inspiration. Gardens, public parks and nature reserves are wonderfully calming places that take you on journeys of discovery. It is often in the little things: a particular leaf lying on the path in front of you, or a bed of wildflowers gently swaying in the breeze. The changing seasons alter the landscape which makes it so interesting to revisit for the pale pink blossom in spring, bright greens in summer, crisp reds and oranges in autumn and cool blues and brown in winter.

3) Colour palettes everywhere!

Colour is a big part of my work, and finding those beautiful colour combinations bring me so much joy! I find these enjoyable colour palettes everywhere I go- a shop window display, the interior of an ice cream parlour or the outfit I’m wearing that day! I like to record these ‘findings’ in my journal as watercolour swatches because it is easy to mix my own colours, however, you could also make them in collage with snippets of different coloured paper.

4) Museums and galleries

Museums and galleries are filled to the brim of creative brilliance, and not only that but often the architecture of these places is inspirational in itself! Fashion exhibitions, interior design, photography, animals and nature- the list goes on.

5) Past work

When I have an artist’s block, I like to turn to my stash of sketchbooks and past pieces that I’m particularly proud of. It’s also a great way to evaluate what did/didn’t work, and you also get to see the evolution of your practice. I also like to revisit unfinished pieces or perhaps try a technique again that worked particularly well as a warm-up to get started.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading some of my tips for finding creative inspiration, if you’d like to share how you find inspiration feel free to leave a comment below!

Thank you for reading and happy collaging,


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